Toowoomba Hospital
Acute Geriatric Services (eg Acute Care of the Elderly Unit, Orthogeriatric Unit, other)
- Acute Geriatric service(AGS)- All acutely unwell residents from All nursing homes admitted under AGS team
- Acute stroke services – All strokes regardless of the age
- Acute orthogeriatric services
Name of consultant geriatric medicine staff per service:
- Dr Nisal Gange
- Dr Kurugamage J Wijayaratne
- Dr Lilantha Basnayake
E.g. Geriatric Evaluation & Management Unit (GEM), general rehabilitation, specialist rehabilitation
- GEMS program (8 beds)
- Rehabilitation program (13 beds)
Name of consultant geriatric medicine staff per service:
- Dr Nisal Gange
- Dr Kurugamage J Wijayaratne
- Dr Lilantha Basnayake
Rehabilitation Day Hospital, geriatric medicine clinics (e.g. memory, general, falls, continence), outreach incl telehealth
- Memory clinics (2 per week)- multidisciplinary
- Falls clinic
- General geriatric clinic
- Stroke/TIA clinic
- Movement disorder clinic
- Amputee clinic (once a month)
- Balance and mobility group session (Allied health led)
- Vestibular clinic (Allied health Led)
- Spasticity Management Clinic
Name of consultant geriatric medicine staff per service:
- Dr Nisal Gange
- Dr Kurugamage J Wijayaratne
- Dr Lilantha Basnayake
Please specify e.g. Delirium Management Unit, Specialist Dementia care/BPSD unit, Transition Care Services. Please specify if your facility provides outreach, and to where.
- Delirium Management unit (safe Heaven)
- Hospital at the nursing home unit)
- Telehealth clinic (General geriatrics)
- Tele stroke for Lysis (for Kingaroy hospital- Hub and spoke model)
Name of consultant geriatric medicine staff per service:
- Dr Nisal Gange
- Dr Kurugamage J Wijayaratne
- Dr Lilantha Basnayake