Clinical Excellence Division has developed a simple improvement toolkit which can assist you in successfully planning and delivering your project. The framework and templates are full of helpful tips and hints and are flexible enough to meet the demands of any project. The improvement toolkit is also designed to work hand in hand with the Improvement Exchange knowledge base where you can find worked examples of the tools and connect with other people who use them.

Great ideas are generated through discussions, planning meetings or from management decisions. Some of these ideas are handled as a part of daily business but many end up as improvement projects.
Don’t let your ideas fall through the cracks. Document them using an Opportunity Brief and then seek approval from your manager to proceed with your project.

Once you get the go ahead from your manager, develop your idea into a Business Case. This will help you understand the viability of the project and what is required to successfully deliver and embed the improvement in the business.
Your Business Case is submitted to the Project Sponsor for funding and approval to proceed.

A Project Plan is not a document that sits on the shelf, it’s a manual that describes how you and your project team will carry out the work.
TIP: Remember, time spent planning with your team can save time and cost blow outs in delivery.
If you have a large complex project its likely that you will have a lot of stakeholders. Consider developing a Change Plan and keep people informed.
Your Project Plan and supporting documentation are submitted to the Project Sponsor and Project Director for approval to proceed.

Carry out the activities and implement the deliverables defined in your Project Plan.
Monitor the delivery using an Action Plan and report progress to the Project Sponsor, Project Director and Process Owner using a Project Status Report.
Scope Variations should always be documented and approved by the Project Sponsor and Project Director.

Congratulation on the delivery of your project but its not over just yet!
Valuable learning's from a project can be used to improve the next. Evaluate the project performance with your team and capture any learning's.
Use a Project Close Report to transfer the learning's and deliverables to the Process Owner. This ensures the hard work is sustained beyond its completion.