Renal Transplant Subcommittee

The Renal Transplant Subcommittee was established to provide expertise, recommendations and advice to the Queensland Renal Clinical Network Steering Committee in relation to renal transplant service planning and emerging issues at the statewide level.

The role of the subcommittee is to establish priorities, develop solutions to strengthen transplant service delivery in Queensland and foster an open and supportive environment for clinicians who are involved in caring for consumers within renal transplant services.

The subcommittee is chaired by Dr Peter Hollett, Staff Renal Physician, Medical Service Group, Sunshine Coast HHS.


The subcommittee membership is multidisciplinary and includes Queensland clinicians who work in renal transplant and nephrology.

Current priorities

  • Strengthen the transplant coordinator role through education and the development of a formal role description for transplant coordinators across the state.
  • Develop resources for consumers in relation to renal transplant.
  • To understand and strengthen transplant referral rates for dialysis patients within Queensland Health.

Join the network

Sign up today

The Queensland Clinical networks are open to clinicians, consumers and managers with experience, interest, and passion in improving healthcare.

Contact us

Phone: +61 7 3328 9124
Postal Address: GPO Box 48, Brisbane 4001

Last updated: 16 May 2022