Latest news

31 Jan
Nurse colposcopy training in Queensland

In December 2017, Australia introduced a more effective method for cervical screening meaning that for most patients, pap smears were not required every two years. While the latest medical and scientific evidence shows the new cervical screening test is more effective at detecting the human papillomavirus (HPV), the referral rate for colposcopy has increased because of the number of women with positive HPV results.

28 Jan
The only way is up for the Healthcare Improvement Fellowship

The Healthcare Improvement Fellowship saw its cohort triple in 2019, with the 11 fellows coming from all over Queensland. The fellowship program uses a ‘virtual classroom’ to connect participants and holds several in-person residential workshops over the year.

22 Jan
Simple solution to help improve refugees' oral health

The Office of the Chief Dental Officer (OCDO), in partnership with the Refugee Health Network Queensland and Refugee Oral Health Working Group (ROHWG), have translated their ‘How to brush your teeth’ stickers to multiple languages. These instructions encourage better tooth brushing among refugee and asylum seeker communities, and will be given to all newly arrived families in Queensland.

21 Jan
Can a collaborative approach create change? Read on…

The Transition 2 sub-acute (T2SA) project emerged from early work undertaken by a group of allied health professionals from across the central and north-west belt of Queensland. Staff came together to explore ways to improve the patient’s sub-acute journey, especially for those from rural and remote communities.

12 Dec
CEQ ends year on a high

Winners of the annual Department of Health and Queensland Health Awards for Excellence were announced in Brisbane last night, with Clinical Excellence Queensland winning a swag of awards.

11 Dec
A win for AKC2026 at Awards for Excellence

Advancing Kidney Care 2026 won the Minister’s Award for Excellence, including a first prize of $50,000, at the Queensland Health and Department of Health Awards for Excellence.

27 Nov
PROV-ED Project Showcase at RBWH

The PROV-ED Project Team recently presented their eighth Innovation Showcase at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre (RBWH ETC) as part of their quest to promote value-based care in Queensland’s emergency departments.