The PROV-ED Project Team recently presented their eighth Innovation Showcase at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Emergency and Trauma Centre (RBWH ETC) as part of their quest to promote value-based care in Queensland’s emergency departments.
While three of the six initiatives being spread across the state by the PROV-ED team originated from the RBWH (the Blood Clock, CREDIT and Pre-filled Saline Syringe (PreSS)), RBWH ETC staff showed strong interest in the other PROV-ED initiatives on offer. These include:
- Nurse Initiated X-ray (NIX) – allowing nurses to work to their full scope of practice
- Standardised and Safe Intubation Package (SSIP) – reducing cognitive load on clinicians
- Transforming Emergency Departments Towards Cultural Safety (TECS) – working towards a culturally safe ED community.
PROV-ED Showcases have already been held at hospitals in Logan, Gladstone, Redland, Cairns, Caboolture, and the Sunshine Coast. The Queensland Emergency Department Strategic Advisory Panel (QEDSAP) also hosted the PROV-ED Rural and Remote Showcase at their annual forum last month. The next PROV-ED Showcase will take place in Rockhampton on 26 November 2019.
Prof. Louise Cullen, Co-Professional Lead of PROV-ED, was “thrilled” with the project’s progress so far. ‘It’s really rewarding to be able to feedback the interest shown from other sites across the state to adopt these clever ideas. The interest in PROV-ED and value-based care in general has been fantastic and goes to show how ED staff are always striving to do better,’ she said.
Visit the Improvement Exchange to learn more about PROV-ED.