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The Rural Perioperative Team Training Program is an initiative of the Statewide Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care Clinical Network (SWAPNet), sponsored by Clinical Excellence Queensland.



The project has been designed to achieve open and ongoing communication with Emerald Antenatal services, the provision of care closer to home for Antenatal patients, patient inclusion in transfer...


The Partners in Prevention Forum brings together representatives primarily from Queensland Health and the Queensland Primary Health Networks. The forum is relevant for staff in decision-...


Project HOPE - which stands for Harmony, Opportunity, Pride and Empowerment, is a South West Hospital and Health Service (SWHHS) initiative which has been operating since 2015 in Charleville and...


Short Message Service (SMS) mental health promotion and prevention messages are a non-intrusive, cost-effective way to provide support to parents experiencing moderate to severe mental health...


Key elements of the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner rural initiative include collaboration with local GP-Obstetricians, advanced practice nurses in remote primary healthcare centres and...


The Diabetic Retinal screening program to be undertaken by the ROOM project will allow screening in the patient’s home town. The screening is undertaken using a hand held retinal camera to obtain...


The South West Hospital and Health Service (SWHHS) have developed an innovative program to utilize the abundance of duel degree Paramedic/Registered Nurse (RN) graduates that are leaving...

Reduce MILES spread SMILES

The project provides renal services to the fast geographic region, in addition to the neighbouring South West HHS where there are no renal services. Clinical data shows that the predominantly...


The service provides a fluid model of assessment, acute care, education, support and continuity of care to residents and staff of aged care facilities (RACF) as well as their General Practitioners...

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Develop and implement a clinical standard for cardiac rehabilitation (CR) services to ensure standardized evidence-based content informs the delivery of Queensland Health CR...

“Keep Your Move in the Tube” (KMIT®) is an evidence-based strategy, developed for patients following cardiac surgery via sternotomy. It imposes no load or time restrictions but...

The Precision Triage Project, a collaboration between Griffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital, uses the Tracking Cube, a digital system co-designed with a First...

Previous evaluations acknowledge that consumers are often not aware or are unable to advocate for telehealth as part of their healthcare journey. To address this, a multi-stage...

Prolonged waiting times are a common source of patient dissatisfaction and complaints. As most Emergency Department (ED) patients are discharged from ED, the time required for...