The Medical Education and Well-being Registrar is a pioneering role designed to improve medical well-being, enhance workforce nurturing and support the implementation of the Regional Medical...
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The Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) acute care support service (RaSS) model provides care in partnership with general practitioners (GPs) and RACFs to increase patient choice of care...

The Management of acute care needs of RACF residents project provides pathways and practice points to ensure clarity with decision-making to optimise care for residents of aged care facilities....

This project is centered around embedding a Rural Generalist with advanced skills Mental Health within the existing medical workforce of the Cooktown cluster. It has enabled establishment of...

A partnership has been established between a group of allied health professionals from across the central and north-west belt of Queensland to improve the patient’s sub-acute journey, particularly...

The Integrated Telehandover Project commenced at The Townsville Hospital in October 2017 and has concluded 30th June 2018. It was anticipated that a video-conferenced inter-facility clinical...

The Partners in Prevention Forum brings together representatives primarily from Queensland Health and the Queensland Primary Health Networks. The forum is relevant for staff in decision-...

The Perinatal Wellbeing Service (PWS) model is a nurse-led, client-centred model for perinatal mental health, developed and provided by mental health nurses. It was implemented in 2015 to target...

The Townsville Hospital (TTH) neurology, gastroenterology, and radiology specialists have collaborated to pioneer levodopa carbidopa intestinal gel (levodopa) via percutaneous endoscopic...

A collaboration project between Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ), Queensland Child & Youth Clinical Network (QCYCN) and Griffith University aimed to explore the perceptions, practice...
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Develop and implement a clinical standard for cardiac rehabilitation (CR) services to ensure standardized evidence-based content informs the delivery of Queensland Health CR...
“Keep Your Move in the Tube” (KMIT®) is an evidence-based strategy, developed for patients following cardiac surgery via sternotomy. It imposes no load or time restrictions but...
The Precision Triage Project, a collaboration between Griffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital, uses the Tracking Cube, a digital system co-designed with a First...
Previous evaluations acknowledge that consumers are often not aware or are unable to advocate for telehealth as part of their healthcare journey. To address this, a multi-stage...
Prolonged waiting times are a common source of patient dissatisfaction and complaints. As most Emergency Department (ED) patients are discharged from ED, the time required for...