Third cohort of Healthcare Improvement Fellows commence

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The third cohort of Clinical Excellence Queensland’s Healthcare Improvement Fellows have officially commenced. The 2020 improvement fellows were selected from an extremely competitive, high-calibre pool of applicants, representing diverse backgrounds from medical, allied health, nursing, and midwifery, and hail from a number of locations.

For one year the fellows will be immersed half time with Clinical Excellence Queensland, undertaking a rigorous learning journey in healthcare improvement. They will learn the emerging sciences of complex systems, human factors, safety and quality, improvement and implementation science and more.

The fellows will continue in their clinical roles at half time to reinforce learning within the context of the real-world environment and through the lens of frontline clinical work. In addition, maintaining a clinical presence enables hospital and health services to realise benefits from the program across the year.

Dr John Wakefield, who created the fellowship program in 2018, met personally with the new fellows to share his vision. His dream is for fellows to lead improvement using new sciences, and to shape the system in their own way. He aims for the fellowship to prepare them to challenge how we do things and bring others along on a journey to create the future healthcare system.

Dr Wakefield expressed his gratitude to Dr Michael Tresillian, Dr Satyan Chari and the Healthcare Improvement Unit for shaping the fellowship program into such a high calibre program for Queensland Health staff.

Having the clinical fellows working with CEQ brings fresh clinical insights into the department and helps the clinicians to maximise their understanding of the health system.

Queensland Health staff are encouraged to reach out and connect with the 2020 cohort, including:

  • Beth King, Advanced Physiotherapist from St George Hospital, Southwest Hospital and Health Service
  • Dayna Law, Respiratory Physician from Logan Hospital, Metro South Hospital and Health Service
  • Jodie Nixon, Team Leader in Occupational Therapy from the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Metro South Hospital and Health Service
  • Katie Auld, Nurse Unit Manager in Orthopaedics from Ipswich Hospital, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
  • Kirsty Leo, Acting Manager Service Development, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team, Metro North
  • Kylie Alcorn, Infectious Disease Staff Specialist, Gold Coast University Hospital, Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service
  • Rebecca James, Consultant Paediatric Rheumatology, Children’s Hospital, Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service
  • Sally Courtice, Director, Nutrition and Dietetics, QEII Hospital, Metro South Hospital and Health Service
  • Sari Holland, Midwifery Unity Manager, Maternity Services, Townsville Hospital, Townsville Hospital and Health Service
  • Sarah Tate, Associate Nurse Manager, Safety and Quality, Children’s Hospital, Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service
  • Tracey Cooney, Nurse Manager, Clinical Improvement Partners, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Metro South Hospital and Health Service
  • Usman Ali, Rural and Remote Old Age Psychiatrist, Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service
  • Sarah Bohan, Allied Health Clinical Lead, Mount Isa Hospital, North West Hospital and Health Service.

For more information on the program contact the support team at

Last updated: 25 February 2020