The Hospital and Health Service (HHS) employs a GP with additional skills in a specific clinical area (GPwSI) to work within a clinical specialty.
The GPwSI:
- Is selected by the specialist and works on a sessional basis according to agreed templates.
- Self-selects and sees patients from the Category 2 and 3 waiting lists, performing clinical assessment and coordinating ongoing management. Many of these patients would wait much longer to be seen by a specialist due to the large volume of patients on the waiting list. Clinical Prioritisation Criteria is in use at GCHHS
- Works in close geographical proximity to the specialist and is able to escalate/discuss care as necessary.
- Largely sees a non-operative cohort releasing specialist time that can be focused toward patients likely to require surgery or with higher levels of need/acuity.
Key success factors:
- Identification of an appropriately skilled practitioner in the area of need
- Pre-existing connection/relationship with the specialist (trust)
- Supportive consultants
- Supportive operational leadership
- Consultant availability for escalation and advice
- Strong advocate for the model
- Clarity of responsibilities/accountabilities