The Townsville Residential Aged Care Nurse Practitioner Service (RAC-NPS) directly bridges a healthcare service gap that exists with our residential aged care system. Our nurse practitioners (NPs...
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The General Practice (GP) Liaison Network is a Queensland Health state-wide program with teams situated in every Hospital and Health Service (HHS). To support our primary care partners and the...

- Prevent avoidable presentations to the emergency department by increasing the availability of phone, video and in-practice consultation, advice and support
- Provide ...

Data from the Australasian Rehabilitation Outcome Centre (AROC) indicates > 17000 people participated and were discharged from 51 inpatient Rehabilitation (21 public, 30 private) Units across...

Central West Hospital and Health Service (CWHHS) implemented an innovative project with the aim of providing Telehealth GP services to complement existing remote outreach services utilising the...

The Iningai Health Arcade in Central West Hospital and Health Service employs a dedicated telehealth clinical nurse to work with the Specialist Outpatients team to improve patient outcomes...

Our increasingly digital delivery of healthcare in Queensland provides many exciting opportunities for improving communication. The integrated electronic Medical Record (ieMR) offers the potential...

The same day discharge summary project began as a result of feedback received from clinicians and local GP’s regarding inconsistent discharge summaries. In house data reflected below average...

Currently, referral practices and prioritisation decisions can vary based on location, speciality, and the clinicians involved, resulting in inconsistent interfaces between local primary care and...

Obesity is a significant health issue in Mackay with Mackay’s obesity rate being 28 per cent, which is 16 per cent higher than the state average. In addition, in 2015, the Mackay region ranked 5th...
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Develop and implement a clinical standard for cardiac rehabilitation (CR) services to ensure standardized evidence-based content informs the delivery of Queensland Health CR...
“Keep Your Move in the Tube” (KMIT®) is an evidence-based strategy, developed for patients following cardiac surgery via sternotomy. It imposes no load or time restrictions but...
The Precision Triage Project, a collaboration between Griffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital, uses the Tracking Cube, a digital system co-designed with a First...
Previous evaluations acknowledge that consumers are often not aware or are unable to advocate for telehealth as part of their healthcare journey. To address this, a multi-stage...
Prolonged waiting times are a common source of patient dissatisfaction and complaints. As most Emergency Department (ED) patients are discharged from ED, the time required for...