On-boarding Mobile App - CrewCHQ

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Bringing together contemporary human resource literature with advances in mobile technology sees Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ) providing an innovative platform from which medical officers can strengthen their professional knowledge and abilities while seamlessly accessing the information they need to enable an improved patient experience.

Key dates
Jul 2016
Aug 2017
Implementation sites
Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital


Provide a robust and engaging on-boarding process through which an employee is able to build the requisite knowledge and behaviours needed to both succeed in their role and become an effective workplace contributor.


  • Personalised induction, onboarding and orientation.
  • Integrates key events with smart phone calendar and electronically records attendance at forums and training sessions.
  • In-app reminders and notifications.
  • Interactive communication tools to connect with colleagues, hospital leaders and training providers.
  • Access to key CHQ workflow processes, guidelines, policies, procedures and resources.


A review of practice identified that the approach taken to support medical officers could be improved. Central to the redesign was an ambition to test the coupling of contemporary induction, orientation and socialisation literature with advances in personal technology to deploy a dynamic, staff engaging mobile application (app) which was applicable, adaptable and has utility within healthcare.

Solutions Implemented

Bringing it all together saw the direct application of theory and consumer input to mobile app design, ultimately enabling a medical cohort with a seamless, intuitive and secure gateway to;

  1. Build congruence with the values, beliefs and objectives of the organisation while understanding its operational principles and their working environment
  2. Acquire role specific knowledge, skills and abilities by completing a systematic and tailored range of onboarding activities
  3. Provide quality services to patients and their families by rapidly accessing a range of process maps, guidelines and clinical procedures and other general use information.

Evaluation and Results

While still measuring impact, initial data is indicative of a successful address of the staff support. When asked about their perceptions of investment in this space, 80% of the respondents strongly agreed/agreed that they felt valued and supported, 84% strongly agreed/agreed that the organisation wants them to succeed and 67% agreed that it has increased their general satisfaction.  

Lessons Learnt

While the exercise has by all accounts, successfully tested the pairing of contemporary theory and technology to triumph onboarding and staff support challenges, more importantly it has positioned healthcare agencies to shift their focus from traditional digital constructs to the use of personal technology and an enabler for clinicians.

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Key contact

James Rail
Project Lead
Childrens Health Queensland
(07) 3310 7768

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