Care at End of Life - SEED Innovators

Initiative Type
Service Improvement
Last updated


The Care at End of Life SEED (Support, Explore, Excel, Deliver) Innovation Program is an initiative that helps to strengthen the capacity of Queensland health services to respond to the needs of those with a progressive life-limiting illness. 

SEED funding is accessible to inspirational and creative staff from across Queensland Health to find new and improved ways of delivering care at the end of life for the benefit of our patients, their carers and family members. Now in its fourth year, SEED Innovation Funding continues to build a culture of innovation and excellence from the ground-up. Applications are invited annually, and successful projects:

  • Contribute to implementing the statewide end-of-life care strategy 2015.
  • Provide new ways of approaching the delivery of services that improve care at the end of life for Queenslander's and where the principles of knowledge translation may be applied.
  • Demonstrate partnerships between a Hospital & Health Service and at least one other external stakeholder for example General Practitioner, consumers, non-government organisation, or charity.
Key dates
Jun 2016
Implementation sites
Darling Downs HHS, Sunshine Coast HHS, Metro North HHS, Paediatric Palliative Care Service, Children’s Health Queensland, Gold Coast HHS, Townsville HHS
Statewide Clinical Networks, Consumers, PHN’s, Queensland Ambulance Service, GP’s, Aged Care, Health Law Experts, Academia, Rural and Remote Health, Spiritual Care


To cultivate ideas which help improve outcomes for patients, through new processes, resources and partnerships.


  • Builds a culture of innovation and excellence.
  • Deliver efficiencies and improve continuity and quality of care for patients.


The Care at the End of Life project team was established to support a coordinated approach to implementing the Strategy across Queensland. Queensland Health's Clinical Excellence Queensland coordinates the implementation of the project, in collaboration with each Hospital and Health Service.

Solutions Implemented

The following SEED projects have been funded to trial innovative ways to deliver quality healthcare;

2016-2017 projects

Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service - Advance Care Yarning Electronic Application Development.

Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service - Building capacity for end of life care outside of specialist palliative care settings.

2017-2018 projects

Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service - Consumer and Community Perspectives on Care at the End of Life on the Sunshine Coast .

Metro North Hospital and Health Service - The Rainy-Day care bundle.

Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service - Terminal Phase Care Pathway in the Emergency Department.

2018-2019 projects

Paediatric Palliative Care Service (PPCS) & Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service - Development of a Care Plan for the Dying Child (CPDC).

Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service - Supporting discharge from hospital to enable dying at home.

Metro North Hospital and Health Service - Giving ‘VOICE’ to the Bereaved – the evaluation of ‘CODE’ in and Australian Acute Care setting.

Townsville Hospital and Health Service - End-of-life conversation simulation based education.

2019-2020 projects

Metro South Hospital and Health Service - Improving patient choice and autonomy at the end-of-life: eating and drinking decision for quality of life.

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service - Paramedic Toolkit for Care at End of Life.


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Key contact

Allison Lovell
Project Manager
Healthcare Improvement Unit
(07) 3646 6819