Career opportunities - video transcript
Zoe: Working in podiatry, because we get to see people so often and really get to know their story, it's very easy to get interested in the other aspects of their health journey, and I often see how much of an impact psychology and diabetes education has in their health. And sometimes it fascinating to see what actually does go on with that.
Manjeet: Yeah, so I think within our role here, you know, we've got the options to support your desires in your goals within your PDP, which is something that we do annually. And within that you've got the option to go in and sit in with the diabetes educators and learn about their role, and also you know, if you’re keen there's a potential to go on and even do the course yourself. In which again, Queensland Health is great at supporting as well, because again, just giving that option to you rather than having to refer to them is a great asset to the team, and you know there is mechanisms in place with a clear framework, and at the moment we have a statewide clinical support network whereby all the podiatrists get the option to meet via video link once every ten to twelve weeks and on that we can put on any kind of topics of interest, some educational, some case studies, opportunities just to network and also just to share ideas with each other. And that's all done through the, just the internal kind of video link system that we have. And I think that is quite beneficial to, especially to all the staff, but more so in areas where you don't have that direct team member or that person that you may see on a daily basis. I think, but from the feedback that I've received from that group, is that that's who certainly benefits the most. We also have the option to communicate with other people just in general through team meetings, and things.
Zoe: I have been able to watch those. I never was able to attend one in person, but even to watch them back at a later date when they’d been recorded was good, to then be able to. Because we obviously work in an isolated team from the rest of the state, and to have the opportunity to go and look into those things that were mentioned a bit more and build on that.
Manjeet: And a lot of that comes as well from the leadership within that podiatry team. So here we're fortunate that, I'm going to say that, that we’re managed by a podiatrist, so therefore the option is there to encourage that. And I see the benefit of having people engage with each other. But as the leader of this team I will also encourage other HHSs to get on board, even if their managers are not a podiatrist. So, I'll happily communicate in trying to encourage that option for everyone. Because it's a good tool to have and it's the only way we’re going to deliver on getting a better service across the state, for sure.