how working to scope and developing people is improving care for Queenslanders
Showcase 2019
Real people, remarkable healthcare

With the theme ‘Real People. Remarkable Healthcare’ Clinical Excellence Showcase 2019 shone a spotlight on the real people behind the great ideas and projects across Queensland Health. Kickstarting the event was an incredibly moving keynote address from Dr Tim Duncan, who shared how his near-death experience in the remote Australian wilderness reignited his passion for medicine. Tim’s story, which has also featured on television’s Australian Story, helped remind delegates why they opted to work in healthcare and by the end there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!
The stars of the show however, as always, were the clinicians, managers and administrators who presented their local achievements and projects throughout the two days. The primary purpose of Clinical Excellence Showcase is to provide an opportunity for these projects to scale and spread into other areas of Queensland. Each attendee at the showcase is encouraged to network with like minds and take at least one great idea back to implement at their own hospital and health service.
In 2019, we also welcomed back two former showcase presenters to share how their projects had scaled and spread since our first meeting.
The future seems bright for each of these projects and it’s likely they’ll continue to grow for years to come.
Keynote Speaker - Tim Duncan
Learn more about the story of how Dr Tim Duncan found his true calling.
Integrated care
Learn how Caroline Nicholson is answering how do you solve a problem like integrated care?
Where are they now?
Hear from former showcase presenters to share how their projects had scaled and spread since our first Showcase.
The Great Debate
Hear the panel debate who’s running our health system, clinicians or bureaucrats?
What we
Concurrent sessions
Some of Queensland’s best improvement projects
Supporting clinicians delivers better healthcare
Initiatives that are improving access to healthcare for rural and remote communities
Advances in healthcare technology
What is patient-centred care and are you providing it?
