Project Name
Logan WCDS/CHS Journey Facilitator Co Design Project
Children's Health Queensland
Presented by:
Mrs Heidi Roy
For many families there is a disconnect between having a baby in hospital and accessing services afterwards, including the Child Health Service. Families often experience difficulty knowing who can help and health literacy is low.
AEDC data shows that up to 20-30% of children from some suburbs in the Logan area are “not school ready” and are vulnerable on 2 or more of the 5 key domains of early childhood development- well above the national average of 11%. The Journey Facilitator is in a unique position to be influenced by and have influence on both families, children and health care professionals across multiple sites. The Journey Facilitator is instrumental in developing processes that foster collaborative relationships to achieve the quadruple aim of health care (improve clinical outcomes and population health; enhance clinician and consumer experience; promote streamlining of services reducing health care costs and waste).