Project Name
Health and Wellbeing Hub - Logan Healthy Living
Health and Wellbeing Queensland
Presented by:
Dr Robyn Littlewood
Diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease, posing a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of Australians and to our health system.
The impact of diabetes is over-represented within lower socioeconomic regions such as Logan, south of Brisbane. Diabetes is the most common cause of potentially preventable hospitalisations in Logan, a rate 60 per cent higher than the national average. Admissions due to complications of Type 2 Diabetes represent a quarter (24 per cent) of all potentially preventable hospitalisations.
In this presentation Dr Littlewood will discuss a Queensland-first alliance with Health and Wellbeing Queensland, The University of Queensland (UQ), UQ Health Care, Metro South Health, Brisbane South Primary Health Network and Griffith University, to deliver diabetes care differently with an aim to reduce the burden of the disease on individuals, the community and the health system.