Clinical stream

The Clinical stream is led by Professor Keshwar Baboolal, Metro North Hospital and Health Service. Professor Baboolal is also Co-Chair of the Statewide Renal Clinical Network.

The Clinical stream promotes patient and carer engagement in the design and delivery of kidney services. This stream developed the Queensland Health framework for delivering quality care to people with kidney disease.


The Queensland Health framework for delivering quality care to people with kidney disease was endorsed by the Advancing Kidney Care 2026 Collaborative in August 2019. It describes the care patients should have access to regardless of where they live in Queensland. It is designed to inform the AKC2026 Funding and Information streams, and can be used by a broader public health service audience and people affected by kidney disease.

The framework was created by seven clinical working groups. Membership of the working groups included kidney specialists, nurses, consumers, general practitioners, allied health professionals, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers from across Queensland. Each working group was led by a senior Queensland Health kidney specialist.

Last updated: 12 May 2020