The Queensland Rural and Remote Clinical Network provides a platform for clinicians to collaborate and strategically plan innovative approaches to service delivery that is underpinned by a commitment to deliver safe, quality and culturally appropriate care to rural and remote communities. The network includes members from across Queensland Health, Primary Health Networks, universities, training providers, associations, colleges, and not-for-profit and private organisations. Representation consists of multidisciplinary expertise across various levels of healthcare delivery including frontline clinicians and leaders.
The Co-Chairs of the Rural and Remote Network are Dr Emily Moody and Johanna Neville. Dr Moody is a Senior Medical Officer in Boonah Hospital and Lead Medical Educator with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. Jo is the Assistant Director of Nursing for the Family Health Program in Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service and previously held roles in not for profit Aboriginal Community Controlled Health sectors.

The role of the network
The Queensland Rural and Remote Clinical Network was established to provide leadership and clinical expertise with respect to rural and remote health services.
The network brings together clinicians, consumers and stakeholders from across the primary, community and acute care sectors to:
- Provide leadership and clinical expertise to drive system wide best practice through the identification, adoption and promotion of evidence-based best practices and clinical policy.
- Share and support the implementation and replication of best practice approaches across the health system.
- Advocate for evidence-based clinical policy in matters related to the provision of rural and remote health services.
- Provide advice to Hospital and Health Services and Queensland Health on clinical quality and the safety implications of policy, planning and funding decisions.
Current projects and priorities
- Confront the challenges of delivering healthcare to Queensland’s uniquely placed rural and remote residents.
- Contribute to and lead strategic and professional discussions relating to key rural workforce initiatives.
- Work closely with and support the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clinical Network to prioritise Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare across Queensland and seek to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health outcomes which align with the Queensland Government's Making Tracks toward closing the gap in health outcomes for Indigenous Queenslanders by 2033 policy and accountability framework.
- Recognise the role of and strengthen partnerships with private organisations and universities to promote and deliver cohesive and coherent care across Queensland and identify opportunities for collaborative models of care and workforce initiatives.
- Improve collaboration with other Queensland Clinical Networks and other internal and external stakeholders, including Primary Care.
- Maintain a partnership with the Office of Rural and Remote Health (ORRH)
- Provide advocacy and leadership to promote greater consistency and integration in service and workforce planning for rural and remote services.
- The Network is a member of the Rural and Remote Advisory for Community, Strategy and Operations (RRACSON), which develops and oversees a range of rural health-related matters, including the Rural Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The Queensland Rural and Remote Clinical Network holds regular forums which provide an opportunity for all Network members to come together to share ideas about how healthcare can be improved for rural and remote Queenslanders.
Queensland Rural and Remote Clinical Network Forum 2024
The 2024 Queensland Rural and Remote Clinical Network Annual Forum will be held at the State Library of Queensland on Wednesday 19 June 2024 from 8:00am to 4:40pm.
This year’s theme | Empowering the future of rural and remote health
Empowering the future of rural and remote health is here! Whether that be rural and remote consumers, communities and partners having a voice and feeling empowered to advocate for better healthcare or empowering rural and remote healthcare staff at the coalface to make improvements in the workplace, reach their goals or take up leadership opportunities, everyone is empowered to make a difference in the future success of rural and remote healthcare.
Registration now open
We’re delighted to release the exciting program (please note the program is subject to change).
For those unable to attend in person in South Brisbane, the forum will be offered as a hybrid event with virtual attendance available for all forum sessions. Registration is required for all participants, including virtual attendees.
Due to anticipated interest in the forum, in person attendance will be capped at 200 delegates, and preference granted to rural and remote delegates.
Registration is free and closes at 8:00pm on Sunday 9 June 2024. Register here or use the QR code to register now.

Further information
For further information, please contact the Queensland Rural and Remote Clinical Network on via email at
Clinician Resources
- Queensland rural and remote health service framework
- Better health for the bush
- Trauma Recovery and Rehabilitation Plan
- Rural and Remote Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2027
- Rural and remote health facilities in Queensland
- Office of Rural and Remote Health Clinical Support Unit
- Rural and Remote Emergency Services Standardisation (RRESS) Guidelines
Related links
Contact us
Phone: +61 7 3328 9715
Postal Address: GPO Box 48, Brisbane 4001