Latest news

23 Mar
World Oral Health Day – wellbeing from the inside out

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, there has been significantly more talk about the importance of taking care of our physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. But we’re not often reminded of the need to take care of our oral health

17 Dec
CEQ gives thanks to Professor Rebecca Kimble

After 11 years at the helm of the Statewide Maternity and Neonatal Clinical Network, Chair Professor Rebecca Kimble will hand over the reins to incoming co-chairs Dr Peter Ganter and Ms Amanda Ostr

02 Dec
Many VOICes, one appointment

“How come you didn’t attend your last appointment?” is a frequently asked question in healthcare. In fact, each year in Queensland thousands of outpatient appointments are missed or forgotten.

21 Oct
Perinatal bereavement – four ways you can help

Did you know approximately 106,000 babies are lost to miscarriage, stillbirth and newborn death in Australia each year? And 20-30 per cent of stillbirths can be avoided with improved care?