Queensland Health's NeoResus Training equips clinicians with the skills to confidently and effectively restore spontaneous respiration and adequate circulation in newborns. The training also supports clinicians to review local processes for responding to neonatal emergencies and develop strategies to mitigate risks.
Training consists of two skills-based, teamwork-focused training programs: First Response (half day workshop) and Advanced Resuscitation (full day workshop), with each comprised of face-to-face and online modules. Facilitators are supported with educator resources and regular support through the Statewide Neonatal Education Group. Training is available to clinicians that might attend a birth outside of maternity and neonatal care settings including emergency departments, operating theatres, Level 1 - 2 non-birthing facilities, the Royal Flying Doctors Service, LifeFlight and the Queensland Ambulance Service.
Queensland Health NeoResus training aligns with the Queensland Clinical Guideline: Neonatal resuscitation and Australian Resuscitation Council (2016) Guidelines 13.1 -13.10.