HITH provides care in a patient’s permanent or temporary residence (care settings can include, but are not limited to: residential aged care facilities, hotels, schools, boats, prison, boarding houses and places of work) for conditions requiring clinical governance, monitoring and/or input that would otherwise require treatment in the traditional inpatient hospital bed. The admission criterion is governed by the authorising officer and as such, the HITH program is focused on admitted care substitution. HITH patients are regarded as hospital inpatients, therefore they remain under the care of their hospital doctor, who will be informed of their journey and outcome. The service is free for eligible Queensland public hospital patients who consent and are eligible to transfer to HITH.
Queensland patient eligibility criteria:
- patients that without HITH would remain in hospital
- patients that require daily treatment and assessment (which can be delivered by various and flexible modes) and
- patient care can be provided and managed in the patient’s permanent or temporary residence
HITH is a model of care implemented with some variability worldwide, including Australia, with each Australian jurisdiction having a slightly different emphasis and in some cases, treating different conditions. The HITH Society Australasia is the peak body that supports HITH clinicians, with the majority of Australian jurisdictions, including Queensland, also represented on the HITH Interjurisdictional Committee. In Queensland, HITH services deliver (daily, with after-hours support) safe, high quality hospital comparable care delivered in patients homes provided by a highly skilled workforce. Some Queensland HITH services, comprised of dedicated multi-disciplinary teams, deliver (daily, with after-hours support) safe, high quality hospital comparable care delivered in patients' homes.
Clinical Excellence Queensland maintains a stewardship role in relation to HITH in Queensland, collaborating with public HITH services statewide to optimise and enhance HITH service delivery.