
The Queensland Stroke Clinical Network started as a collaborative in 2004 before being established in 2007 as a formally endorsed Clinical Network. The Queensland Stroke Clinical Network aims to enhance the provision of evidence based stroke care across Queensland while developing an environment of service improvement activities based around quality data collection.

The Queensland Stroke Clinical Network consists of a multidisciplinary team of clinicians covering all aspects of stroke care from acute to subacute services, tertiary to non-tertiary hospitals and private hospitals, as well as non-government organisations.

The Queensland Stroke Clinical Network is co-chaired by A/Prof Andrew Wong, Director, Neurology and Stroke, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Aylissa Canning, CNC, Queensland Telestroke Service. The Queensland Stroke Clinical Network has an active steering committee which determines network priorities based on the evaluation of current statewide data and evidence base practice determined at a national level.

The role of the network

  • Improve overall access to dedicated stroke units and stroke unit care across Queensland.
  • Improve the quality, safety, and effectiveness of stroke care in Queensland.
  • Provide expertise, direction and advice to the Department of Health in relation to stroke care, stroke service planning and emerging stroke issues locally, statewide and nationally.
  • Provide expertise, direction and advice to clinicians caring for stroke patients in relation to stroke care and evidence based best practice.
  • Develop an open and supportive environment for clinicians who are involved in and consumers of stroke care in Queensland.
  • Foster education and research in best practice.

Current priorities

Strokelink and StrokeConnect

The Queensland Stroke Clinical Network has secured funding to renew two key Stroke Foundation contracts: Strokelink fosters collaboration across Hospital and Health Services and identifies issues of clinical significance to coordinate stroke service improvement activities. StrokeConnect provides stroke survivors and carers with access to high quality information, advice from qualified health professionals, connection with relevant primary health services and peer support.

New centralised data collection tool

Monitoring quality of stroke care across multiple programs such as the National Stroke Audit, the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR) and various thrombolysis registries (such as SITS or INSPIRE) is supported by a single data entry platform for multiple programs - The Australian Stroke Data Tool (AuSDaT).

AuSDaT will:

  • Standardise the collection of stroke data using the same data definitions to maximise the utility and comparability of the data across program, hospitals and time periods
  • Enhance the quality (accuracy and reliability) of data collected through having consistent data logic checks and rules as well as provide a range of real-time web-based summary reports based on the data collected.
Satellite stroke services

The Queensland Stroke Clinical Network continues to develop in conjunction with the Queensland Health Telehealth Unit a 'Telehealth Model of Care' around satellite stroke services. This service sees strokes remaining within regional hospitals but with telehealth support. The Queensland Stroke Clinical Network is also collaborating with other states to close the evidence practice gap for acute stroke regarding the implementation of advanced imaging in regional centres where resources, training and expertise are limited.

Queensland Statewide Stroke Services Framework

The Queensland Statewide Stroke Services Framework is currently being rewritten from the original strategy/framework document from 2011 for the purpose of presenting a more up-to-date model for coordinated stroke services across Queensland public hospitals.

Last updated: 11 September 2024